The ci-management’s documentation process


Welcome to the Hyperledger Fabric community! The Hyperledger Fabric (and associated) projects will utilize various tools and workflows for the continuous project development.This documentation will assist you in using these tools and understanding the workflow(s) for our contributors while working with the Fabric CI infrastructure.

Finding Help on Hyperledger CI

We are excited that you want to contribute to the Continuous Integration/Release Engineering efforts. You’re in the right place to get started.In this event that you need additional assistance, we encourage you to engage with our CI contributors via the following channels:

  • #ci-pipeline channel on Rocket.Chat (For general continuous integration discussions)
  • #fabric-ci channel on Rocket.Chat (For fabric continuous integration discussions)
  • #infra-support channel on Rocket.Chat (For general infrastructure discussions)
  • Send an email to the mailing list
  • Contact for any infrastructure support

Common Job Types

There are several Jenkins job types that are common across most Hyperledger Fabric projects. In some cases, you may/may not see all the common job types in every project. This heavily depends on the needs of the Hyperledger Fabric project. Let’s have a look at the common job types.

Verify Jobs

Verify jobs get triggers when a “patchset-created-event” is triggered. This usually happens when a patchset is submitted to Gerrit repo. All verify jobs will depend on the patchset’s parent commit (not the latest commit of the repo) and patchset commit. Developers have to rebase his patchset to build the patchset on latest commit of the repo.

Merge Jobs

Merge jobs get triggers when a “change-merged-event” event is triggered. This usually happens when a patchset is merged in Gerrit repo. In all the merge jobs, Jenkins clones the latest code and perform the tests unlike verify jobs.

Release Jobs

Release jobs get triggers when a “ref-updated-event” is triggered. This usally happens when a release tag is created in the repository. Release jobs are intended to create to publish docker images, binaries and npm modules.

For more information regarding the release process, you can refer the Release Process Document. # TODO

Supported Architectures

Most of the job types, the jobs are broken down further to build, test, and release the Hyperledger Fabric projects with support for varying CPU architectures. They include:

  • x86_x64 (Open stack minions)
  • s390x

Supports varying test types

Additionally with most job types, you will notice the Jenkins jobs are further isolated to include a number of test types. Those include:

  • End-to-End tests (e2e_cli, java sdk e2e, node sdk e2e)
  • BYFN tests (fabca-samples, byfn, eyfn with default, custom channels, couchdb, node lang chaincode)
  • Unit tests (linter, spelling, license etc..)
  • Smoke/Functional/Performance/Release tests ( More functional tests from fabric-test repository)
  • Multihost tests

Writing Jenkins Job Definitions

Most of the CI work involves the creation and modification of Jenkins job definitions. To get a better understanding of how to write Jenkins job definitions, start with reading through the JJB Job definitions documentation. ## Sandbox_Setup

Contributing to Fabric CI

Contributing to the Fabric CI process starts with identifying tasks to work on, and bugs to be fixed. The JIRA site provided by the Hyperledger Community is where to find these items. To narrow down tasks and bugs that are directly related to Fabric CI, use the following URLs:


If you have questions not addressed by this documentation, or run into issues with any of build jobs, please post your question in or channels.